Hey There
I’ve had the ability to just know things and to connect with loved ones who have passed since I was a child. I spent years sort of pushing those abilities away. I’ve worked in many different industries. I graduated with honors with a Business degree, and spent years in the corporate environment in leadership and board of director positions. Negotiating came naturally to me.
After my Dad passed in 2014, the more I tried to ignore my spiritual abilities, the stronger they became. As I matured in life, I began to become more intrigued about my “gifts”, but still resistant and mostly closed off. Then, on Mother’s Day 2019, an event transpired between my son and me that was so powerful, I could no longer stall, push away, or hold off on the spiritual stuff.
I was guided to the right people and learned that the event with my son, was the highest level of mediumship. I was connected with Lisa Williams and became certified as an advanced psychic medium and spiritual advisor. I learned what abilities and Clairs I have and how to use them appropriately, for the highest good.
Shortly after I left corporate life to completely embrace and focus on the spiritual work. It brings me so much joy to help others. My life has completely changed and I’m very grateful. In 2020 I learned that animals could choose to communicate with me via telepathic downloads of feelings, words, and images. I love this so much since animals are innocents and can use an advocate to translate and heal. I am also able to bring messages from animals who have passed, both to other animals and to humans.
In 2021 I had a nudge to learn more about the Akashic Records. I became certified in that modality in 2021. I’m excited to see what’s next. I continue to study, meditate, be grateful, and pray every day. My heart is bursting with joy in doing this work and being a conduit to help others have closure, guidance, healing, and a return to their joy.
I was also lead to learn more about the healing modalities of psychedelic plant medicine, after my experience with Ayahuasca in Costa Rica in 2022. I am now Certified in Psychedelic Therapies and Integration, Vital Class, via Psychedelics Today. I am passionate about the deep healing psychedelics provide in the proper set, setting and with intention.